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Showing posts from July, 2020

Where Money Lies

Wish to get rich soon!!! For a long long time, I had a notion about income and earnings. How much can a man make per month in a decent legal way? It’s hard to imagine an exact amount that actually doesn’t have an upper limit. Rather we should focus on specific sectors’ earning records and try to figure out the most paying professions of the 21st century. The top 10 North American Highest Paid Jobs are almost occupied by physicians If we shortlist the highest paying industries in terms of wages for jobholders’, the following 20 jobs are the hot cakes in the USA according to  Investopedia : Profession Yearly Salary 1. Anesthesiologists $267,020 2. Surgeons $267,020 3. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons $242,370 4. Obstetricians-Gynecologists $238,320 5. Orthodontists $225,760

A Sweet Little Memoire

I had the best childhood that a kid can ask for I was lucky enough to be born and brought up in a lower-middle-class family. I can remember my childhood days clearly when I craved things that my parents couldn’t afford. Still, when I close my eyes, I see my parents' faces, afflicted with pain, who couldn’t meet up with their son’s clamor for stuff due to financial crisis. I am grateful to Almighty that I was born to my parents, who taught me to appreciate the things that we have. I am thankful to my luck for having two sisters, my friends, my cousins, and every other acquaintance – who fulfilled my life with their blessed presence and sweet memories. I used to play with left-over cartons with my sisters I liked mango very much when I was a kid (Still I do though). I remember my dad could hardly manage to buy mangoes when it was summer. Although I got the largest pie when he brought mangoes in our home. I whined for toys, cried for a good pencil, asked for good television, wan

An Important Tool to Design Your Business

Use the sense of missing out on your customer to grow your sales So the other day, I was listening to a podcast, where a psychology professor was lecturing about the different aspects of perceived happiness. I’d love to discuss the topic someday else, for now, I want to share some really interesting stuff that I came across while listening to the lecture. While I was searching around the podcast menu, several times there was a pop-up telling that ‘You can skip this lecture if you like and continue to the next lecture.’ Actually, they were offering me two options: Option 1: listen to a lecture and learn something new Option 2: Skip this lecture, move to the next one, and you MISS OUT! That’s a pretty important message. You never want to miss out. And I am certain that most of the people didn’t skip the lecture in the fear of missing out! I noticed the topic of this article from a podcast show! I have discussed in  another article  that how the fear of missing out dictates our li

The feeling of Missing Out: Opportunity Cost Fallacy

The feeling of missing out can literally bog you down It is hard to admit that our world is a composition of mere hyperbole. Our worldly attachments are mostly dominated by the feeling of missing out. Consider your Facebook or Instagram usage habits. Do you really think you need those social media platforms because you got some ‘Meaningful’ tasks to do? Or you prefer to stay online because otherwise, you will miss out! For a decade, I have been fooling myself by saying that – ‘Well, I use Facebook for my study or job. Everybody is out there. I can’t afford to be disconnected from my community.’ You will always feel like you are missing out on a better opportunity The human brain has evolved for millions of years to seek  self-reassurance . Naturally, when we doubt our actions, our insecurity or fear make us overwhelmed, we try to justify our deeds by assuring ourselves – ‘Oh, you are just doing the right thing!’ Coming back to the point, rather we cling to our behaviors as we belie

  What am I going to be 10 years later? Will I survive till then? What about ten minutes? There is a wonderful website named . There you can write an email to your future self and pick up any date of reception. Trust me, this is really fun! Usually, I forget about this email within 2-3 days of writing it. This comes as a source of absolute surprise and delight when finally received. Have it a try. Here is an email that I have written today to my future self. Usually, I try to push myself with this kind of email. This one is a little bit different:            You can write an email to your future self, did you know that!                                              Dear FutureMe, This is 22 July 2020. And you are still struggling! Well, I guess the age is so, so is our society. So is the time, and you are not alone. Have faith in yourself, you are meant to do something unique, have that faith, always! This time, no pressure from myself. I know, you will try your best

Fighting against Personal Instincts is the Most Difficult Challenge

  Being personally satisfied demands soul searching Many a time we fight with ourselves thinking that we shall start our own businesses. Perhaps you wake up early in the morning cursing your job. You think a  free profession  without any boss would be much better. I have personally been under both experiences. Once employed by a  financial institution , I woke up early in the morning cursing my job and employer. Every day I thought about leaving the job and starting a business. I believed I am enslaved by my employers. You are confining your thoughts I got to understand that I was not enslaved by my job. My employers didn’t cause any trouble. Rather, I was enslaved by my own instincts. I was subjugated by the unquenchable thirst for success. My desire for happiness further made me miserable. I believe, my personal weakness was and always has been the demand for the end result. I have always focused on reaping the fruit rather than planting and nourishing a tree. A happy and satis