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A Sweet Little Memoire

I had the best childhood that a kid can ask for
I was lucky enough to be born and brought up in a lower-middle-class family.

I can remember my childhood days clearly when I craved things that my parents couldn’t afford. Still, when I close my eyes, I see my parents' faces, afflicted with pain, who couldn’t meet up with their son’s clamor for stuff due to financial crisis.

I am grateful to Almighty that I was born to my parents, who taught me to appreciate the things that we have. I am thankful to my luck for having two sisters, my friends, my cousins, and every other acquaintance – who fulfilled my life with their blessed presence and sweet memories.

I used to play with left-over cartons with my sisters

I liked mango very much when I was a kid (Still I do though). I remember my dad could hardly manage to buy mangoes when it was summer. Although I got the largest pie when he brought mangoes in our home. I whined for toys, cried for a good pencil, asked for good television, wanted to have a better house – too much annoyance I had created for my parents I guess!

Thank you, mom and dad!

How sweet those days were! We lived in a tiny house. My dad’s salary was barely enough to meet our family expenses. But we were extremely happy! We practiced the mindful presence of our existence on this earth. We were taught compassion, love, and kindness.
Now it seems like I didn’t have what I wanted sometimes, but I had it all without wanting!

I didn’t have stuff, but I had experiences, and I still have them. I had the greatest gift on earth that a person can ask for – Loving parents and a happy family.

Today I just realized, I never really have recognized and appreciated the true sense of happiness that has always surrounded me. Let this blog be a platform to express my gratitude to my parents, my two sisters, my lovely friends, and family members. You really mean a lot to me. For you, I can sleep peacefully at night knowing that I have already led a wonderful life!

Could life be fairer to me?


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