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Where Money Lies

Wish to get rich soon!!!

For a long long time, I had a notion about income and earnings. How much can a man make per month in a decent legal way? It’s hard to imagine an exact amount that actually doesn’t have an upper limit. Rather we should focus on specific sectors’ earning records and try to figure out the most paying professions of the 21st century.

The top 10 North American Highest Paid Jobs are almost occupied by physicians

If we shortlist the highest paying industries in terms of wages for jobholders’, the following 20 jobs are the hot cakes in the USA according to Investopedia:


Yearly Salary

1. Anesthesiologists


2. Surgeons


3. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


4. Obstetricians-Gynecologists


5. Orthodontists


6. Psychiatrists


7. Family and General Practice Physicians


8. Physicians


9. Chief Executives


10. Internists, General


11. Prosthodontists


12. Pediatricians, General


13. Dentists


14. Nurse Anesthetists


15. Pilots and Flight Engineers


16. Petroleum Engineers


17. Information Systems Managers


18. Architecture and Engineer Managers


19. Podiatrists


20. Marketing Managers


21. Financial Managers


22. Attorneys


23. Sales Managers


24. Natural Sciences Managers


25. Compensation and Benefits Managers


I bet many of you haven’t even heard of jobs like Podiatrists or Orthodontists in your lifetime. Kindly google those job descriptions, you’ll be surprised.

Now my question was, why would people pursue a different career knowing that he will be paid in loads if he can be an Anesthesiologist? I assume many electrical engineer friends of mine had the brilliance and ability to be Anesthesiologists. I further believe many of them knew career prospects as a marketing manager would be far better than being a mere software engineer in a reputed company. Still, why did they (including me) choose a less paid subject to study as their career path?

Do you talk to your kids about choosing the right career path?

I don’t know whether still I got the answer or not. At this point in time, I think people have different motivations in their lives while they pursue a specific career. When I was a high school student, I heard only the most talented students pursue electrical engineering in their undergraduate studies. Little did I think of career prospects or future income. Similarly, many of my friends became software engineers out of their passions for computer science. Love for mathematics or computer was their impelling cornerstone – although that love can’t buy anything, money can.

COVID-19 is redefining the concept of a secured career though

In a broader perspective, if you want to pursue a secured life, you can go for any promised remuneration from an organization. This is the motivation for doing jobs. Similarly, you can flourish your talent and be a professional in any field. You can be an architect and earn millions.

And then there comes international business, the trade of import and export. The war of information and game of acumen. Today I won’t talk much about this goldmine – let me explore well first 

I am writing this article as a curious and disappointed Youngman, who is surprisingly watching his brilliant friends complying with the wheel of mediocrity. Who is observing the death of potential in front of responsibility?

Don’t expect any conclusive decipher, I am still learning.


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