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Showing posts from August, 2020

Object vs. Utility: My Way of Spending Money

Adding up your expenses will not signify the true sense of your consumption I have been doing a  mental trick  for the last couple of years. Whenever I get to spend money, I forget the amount to be spent. Rather, I focus on the source of my fund and the utility that I am gonna get from my expenditure. For example, let’s say I have to travel to Cox’s Bazar from Dhaka. I can commute by airplane or bus – whichever suits me best. For the last 25 years of my life, I would prefer the bus because it costs just $12, whereas the airfare is around $45 for a single trip. In other words, I would value the monetary amount of being 4 times more than anything else. Actually, that’s the wrong way of thinking, as long as you have the ability to spend. In my case, I can easily afford $45 to buy an air ticket, which will save me 10 hours journey, almost half a day! On the other hand, the 4 times cheaper option often causes other physical problems like nausea or headache as soon as I reach the destinati

The Future of Entrepreneurship

Your mindset makes you a risk-taker... I consider myself lucky to witness a positive change in our next generation’s entrepreneurial mindset. Before I start talking, first, I want to clear my stand about entrepreneurship – I firmly believe, no nation can prosper without nurturing entrepreneurship with effective policies and proper education. And to me, the logic is quite simple. If you confine yourself within the boundaries of a regular job and fixed salary, at the end of the day you would be solvent enough to pay off your bills and debts. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them Doing a regular job is absolutely fine, but it cannot be the goal of all young graduates of a nation. If everybody is seeking a job, who is going to create one? It’s a simple question to ask, but seems impossible to answer:  What causes one nation to succeed and another to fail? What exactly are the origins of global inequality? To me the answer is straightforward,  it is entrep

Timeliness, Productivity, and Overwork

Change your life after reading this article I live in a country where the word ‘timeliness’ doesn’t exist in mass dictionaries. I don’t even know how we grew a mentality that – ‘Being late is cool!” Let me share two personal experiences. In 2017, I used to work for a contractual Electric Layout Designing  firm . One day a client demanded a floor plan, for which I had to go to an architect for the complete design. Our meeting was scheduled for 11 am. I went there on time (exactly on 11), and to my utter disgust, 2 hours later, he told me to come again the next day! I had no idea back then, why was I doing layout designing! I have another story on the flipside. If you think that only the boss on the floor keeps his subordinates waiting (as the architect was in comparatively higher authority), then you are wrong! Many a time even my students kept me waiting! I had a clear term for all my students: ‘If I tell you I’ll come at 6.20 pm, it’s 6.20 pm. Neither 6.21, nor 6.19. Keep that in mind

In the Quest of Treasure

  How much wealth can I accumulate in my lifetime? My money Thoughts People make money. They do business, regular jobs, freelancing, creative works, and whatnot. People make money to survive, to afford the luxury, to travel, to buy happiness. But there is a limit to moneymaking. If you earn money leveraging any conventional way, you shall always make some specific figures. $1000, $5000, or 1/2 times those numbers per month. But you can never make a fortune working a regular job, or business, where money is visible. The reason is quite clear. Money is actually hidden inside our minds. And that hidden domain can’t be accessed by regular eyes. Only if you have the courage to hit inside, I tell you, my friend, you have started to make real money. Regular professions will never show you the world of money in your lifetime. If it did, everyone would have been rich!

Mental Resonance: Prerequisite to Persuasion

  A couple of weeks ago, I was moved by the idea ‘ MINIMALISM ’ so much that I started to adopt its principles in my life. The first thing I could imagine was to get rid of all my excessive clothes and stop SHOPPING for unnecessary items. Soon, I felt that being a minimalist is helping me to restore my mental peace. Minimalism can be the key to a happy life But today, I am not here to tell you about minimalism. Instead, my motive is to discuss with you Why do we often fail to persuade others? As soon as I got influenced by the idea of  Living simple for inner peace,  I felt I should enlighten others so that they stop chasing happiness and be content with what they already possess. I started with my girlfriend. First, I told her how the capitalistic societal viewpoint is ruining our inner peace, and we are being the slaves of our infatuations. Then I tried to logically deduce why  craving more  ultimately ends up in  having less.  Finally, I gave her the ultimate solution for tran

5 Tips to Workout Harder

  Here you go... 5 incredible workout tips for you from the Versed Blogger “ It’s always hard! Why not push it harder and get the reward for yourself? “ That’s right. Life is always hard if you look at it. Unless you are a spoon-fed filthy rich or ascetic, you are never going to  get anything without any pain , sacrifice, or burned-out days and nights. Want a good body shape? Work your ass out and burn those ugly fats. Believe in yourself, you can do it! Wanna get rich?   Forget days and nights while you are working. Be focused, be patient, and prepare yourself for the long-term plan and reward. As  the world is designed , every compound action rewards the most. Okay, no more big talk. Today Versed Blogger will share the 5 best motivating tips to burn your ugly fats in the gym – in the most efficient way! (There is a bonus tip for you, too) 1. Increase Your Intensity As per the golden rule, a 1-minute intense body workout is better than ten minutes slow-mo. An intense wor

The essence of Good Life: Inner vs. Outer Scorecard

I'm reading this book now, after finishing, 'The art of thinking clearly.' “Which would you rather? To be the most intelligent person on earth but considered the stupidest? Or the stupidest person on earth considered the most intelligent?” Those two lines from  Rolf Dobelli ‘s ‘ The art of the good life ‘ kept me in a complete conundrum for a while. I closed the book and thought about my inner notion, ‘What would I rather be?’ It’s tempting to fool myself by saying, ‘Well, I don’t really care what other people think about me! I want to be the most intelligent person, albeit being perceived dumb by others.’ Reading books has been my only task these days But then I thought, ‘Wait a minute. Deep inside, I do really care about getting recognized. What’s the point to be successful in life when none cares about my success?’ The question perplexed me like a paradox. At some point, I thought, ‘What about being the most intelligent person on earth and considered by others the sa