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5 Tips to Workout Harder


Here you go... 5 incredible workout tips for you from the Versed Blogger
It’s always hard! Why not push it harder and get the reward for yourself?

That’s right. Life is always hard if you look at it. Unless you are a spoon-fed filthy rich or ascetic, you are never going to get anything without any pain, sacrifice, or burned-out days and nights.

Want a good body shape? Work your ass out and burn those ugly fats.

Believe in yourself, you can do it!
Wanna get rich? Forget days and nights while you are working.

Be focused, be patient, and prepare yourself for the long-term plan and reward.

As the world is designed, every compound action rewards the most.

Okay, no more big talk. Today Versed Blogger will share the 5 best motivating tips to burn your ugly fats in the gym – in the most efficient way! (There is a bonus tip for you, too)

1. Increase Your Intensity

As per the golden rule, a 1-minute intense body workout is better than ten minutes slow-mo. An intense workout burns body fat quickly, increases stamina, revamps our internal organs, and stretches our endurance.

Try intense workout techniques for a better calorie-burn
As a beginner, you’ll find it difficult to jump into an intense workout routine. In that case, you have to increase your intensity slowly. For example, at first, try to give 5 pushups in 20 seconds. Eventually, try to lift your pushup numbers within a shorter timeframe. You can even try a 5-second break on each rep.

2. Deceive Your Mind

Yeah, you heard it right!

Deceiving your mind is a great way to push yourself beyond the edge.

But what does that actually mean?

Well, our mind tries to compare our efforts with a reference point. If you are always pulling 20 pushups at a time, your mind will revolt against even 25 or 30 pushups. In that case, you can deceive your mind by watching intense workout videos by Dwayne Johnson or Arnold Schwarzenegger – who are boiling their mighty muscles with 100 pushups at a time.

Watch workout videos while you are exercising
The result?

Now your mind has got a different reference point. It will no longer try to drag you down with the regular 20 pushups at-a-time bullshit.

Try it out!

3. Stop Counting

Well, this suggestion works best for athletes or professional bodybuilders, who have got all day to shape their bodies. But for you, counting less will work if you have already formed a presumed mindset of structured reps, and believe that you can never go beyond.

Burn out your last drop of sweat until you collapse!

In that case, you can try both the second and third tips at a time. Push yourself doing the same rep until you are fatigued or fainted. Try to give your best without counting.

4. Goal & Reward

You must value your own work, no matter what you are doing. As they say, ‘Scratch your own back until none else does,’ you have to set goals and reward yourself – all by yourself. Statistics say workout goals can burn away fats 60% more efficiently than usual aimless exercise.

Reward yourself with a sweet little memory to boost up your stamina

To set your optimum workout goal, first, you have to assess your personal challenges and weight loss target. Then execute your plan in no time – don’t let your brain think too much about possible outcomes. But remember, you must set rewards to stay in the game. A sustainable and efficient way to work harder is – do something after every hard work that makes you happy. That source of happiness may be a good song, your favorite book, a piece of chocolate (don’t overeat though), or even a short break. Do whatever suits you, but no social media escape – PLEASE!

5. Meditation

You might get surprised by seeing the last point.

What? How can meditation help to workout harder?

Well, the reason is subtle but obvious. Often time we lose our workout motivation when we don’t see any reasonable difference in our body within a couple of days or weeks.

A fifteen minutes meditation can really change your life perception!
These days, we are getting more accustomed to instant gratification.

We want an adrenalin rush/ dopamine secretion more often. We want to get slim in 7 days workout plan. We want to get rich just after starting a business.

I think, our craving for quick results has been originated from our instant gratification attitude.

Do you have the patience to keep on doing exercise for a month overlooking visible results?

If the answer is yes, then probably you don’t need mediation. You have already trained your mind to stay in the long-term game and have the best result later.

But if the answer is no, try meditation.

Meditation will train your brain to calm down and work harder. Most importantly, to avoid the trap of instant gratification.

Bonus Tips

Say NO to Social Media

As you already know, I hate Social Media.

The realm of social media is designed to keep you attached to unnecessary strings. Trust me, you don’t need to know what your friends are doing every now and then.

What is John having in his lunch?

What’s Tina’s late-night plan today?

Erik is feeling sad and emotional watching The Graves of the Fireflies.

Fuck it! Why do you need to know all this?

Stop Using Social media while you are working
Have you ever counted how much time do you waste every day by simply stalking out others’ lives?

Does it worth your time and energy?

If not, please stay away from the pernicious claw of FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, & even YOUTUBE.

Promise to yourself, you will spend your time on something effective and efficient today.

Your friend’s last summer beach trip doesn’t picture her whole life!
And yes, none of your Facebook friends is as happy as they look!


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