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Mental Resonance: Prerequisite to Persuasion


A couple of weeks ago, I was moved by the idea ‘MINIMALISM’ so much that I started to adopt its principles in my life. The first thing I could imagine was to get rid of all my excessive clothes and stop SHOPPING for unnecessary items. Soon, I felt that being a minimalist is helping me to restore my mental peace.

Minimalism can be the key to a happy life
But today, I am not here to tell you about minimalism. Instead, my motive is to discuss with you

Why do we often fail to persuade others?

As soon as I got influenced by the idea of Living simple for inner peace, I felt I should enlighten others so that they stop chasing happiness and be content with what they already possess.

I started with my girlfriend. First, I told her how the capitalistic societal viewpoint is ruining our inner peace, and we are being the slaves of our infatuations. Then I tried to logically deduce why craving more ultimately ends up in having less. Finally, I gave her the ultimate solution for tranquility – Practice Minimalism.

The art of persuading others lay a key role in business communication
She seemed quite convinced throughout my lecture; at least I felt so. But the very next day, I discovered she brought two new dresses and shoes for her and explained she didn’t have anything to wear for the next week’s party!

Obviously, I am not blaming her for not practicing minimalism. In fact, she needed what she brought. Or she thought her needs are no less than an emergency. What disappointed me the most is, I could not persuade her through my lecture! Damn, that hurts right at the top of my ego!

To be very honest, generating ideas in others’ minds is one of the toughest jobs you may imagine. By birth, we are immune to new ideas. Skepticism helped humanity to reach so far. Disagreement is natural. We all know those statements. Then what brings people to a common ground of agreement? How can you disseminate your thought inside thousands of minds? How can you expect somebody to act in the same way you wanted her to be?

You must be good at marketing yourself
Well, there is no straightforward answer to these questions. The best you can do to persuade someone is:

You can try to tune her mind at the same frequency in which you are thinking, that is – create a mental resonance with her

Let me get it straight. My girlfriend didn’t act as I expected simply because she didn’t think searching for inner peace is her problem at all. I assumed it is her problem, and she is seeking a solution for that problem. It is like you are giving medicine to somebody who doesn’t need your treatment at all.

First, understand and empathize with your peer’s needs before communication
First, understand and empathize with your peer’s needs before communication

On the other hand, what I should have done is to understand her lifestyle first. I would rather find out how minimalism can fit in her life, or solve her existing problems in the first place. I failed to understand her needs, eventually preached an idea at a frequency that wasn’t received accurately by her mental antenna.

The next time you try to persuade somebody, first tune up her mind. Make sure your talks are making sense to her. Then customize your speech according to her needs. Right now, I am patting my back saying, ‘better luck next time!’


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