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The Future of Entrepreneurship

Your mindset makes you a risk-taker...
I consider myself lucky to witness a positive change in our next generation’s entrepreneurial mindset. Before I start talking, first, I want to clear my stand about entrepreneurship –

I firmly believe, no nation can prosper without nurturing entrepreneurship with effective policies and proper education. And to me, the logic is quite simple. If you confine yourself within the boundaries of a regular job and fixed salary, at the end of the day you would be solvent enough to pay off your bills and debts.

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them

Doing a regular job is absolutely fine, but it cannot be the goal of all young graduates of a nation. If everybody is seeking a job, who is going to create one?

It’s a simple question to ask, but seems impossible to answer: What causes one nation to succeed and another to fail? What exactly are the origins of global inequality?

To me the answer is straightforward, it is entrepreneurship that creates a clear difference between the financial conditions of the two countries.

Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them

Look at all the developing countries and their position in the list of ‘EASE OF DOING BUSINESS.’ A country that promotes entrepreneurship can never fall back on the highway of prosperity. The United Arab Emirates can be a startling example to reinforce my claim.

Today, the chronicle of economic growth and global order of authority is literally witnessing a massive shift. The west is eventually saturating in terms of economic growth, whereas the east is rising from the ashes like a phoenix. An important point to remember, positive entrepreneurship spirit is crucial for the developing Asian region.

Tough times never last

I think a lot of interesting business movements are going to happen in the Asian belt within the next couple of decades. In the west, the economy is shrinking and public development opportunities are eventually slowing down. By the end of 2029, both China & India has the potential to overtake the USA in terms of GDP. The 21st century is truly an era of Asian growth considering the demographic and economic trends – just like 19th century as Britain’s Imperial Century, and the 20th century as the American Century.

I firmly believe, today, the true business opportunity lies in Asia. The opportunity lies in countries like India, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan – and no doubt, the opportunity has to be captured by young entrepreneurs of those countries.

Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow

Entrepreneurs are the people who have the audacity to shape the future. As Steve Jobs has said, ‘The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers are the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, and they are the ones who really do.’ You have to be brave, persistent, and resilient; to nurture an idea; to cherish a dream long enough in your heart, to keep your heads high against all odds.

Entrepreneurship has always shaped the future – like Colonel Sanders, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Mark Zuckerberg; those people were the audacious rebel of their generations, who eventually redefined the trajectory of future employment quo with their works.

Remember why you started

Entrepreneurs are the ones who are continuously shaping themselves to grab opportunities. They are a marvelous mixture of dreamers and doers; they desire and then work hard to achieve it. They have the capability to make us see the future as they want to; they have the capacity to form a world of their own in our heads so as to create a world of prosperity and development for all of us.

The post-COVID workplace is no wonder going to be quite different. Today’s Webinar is just a short glimpse of what is going to happen in the future. You are now learning from the top-notch industry experts and academicians – sitting at the comfort of your home. Knowledge is getting free. You don’t need to go anywhere or pay a lot of money to learn anything available on the internet. We belong to the lucky generation who can learn an entire skill by watching YouTube Videos! But it is up to us how you chose to spend your time.

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others

What’s about our working environment? Many of us have experienced that our office work can be effectively and comfortably done staying at our residences. The COVID-19 has just accelerated a technological & behavioral shift within the shortest possible time span.

Many jobs that are so lucrative and relevant today will no longer exist in the future.

So how do we survive this shift?

Always keep yourself relevant

I think the answer lies within ourselves. We have to continuously prove ourselves relevant in the competitive world. We need to learn new skills, grow our network and communication, and leave no stone unturned when it comes to earning our pieces of bread. Nobody is going to help us unless you vouch to help ourselves.

Be prepared for any change and be comfortable with technology. Make sure that nobody can replace your impact from the job that you are doing.


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