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Timeliness, Productivity, and Overwork

Change your life after reading this article

I live in a country where the word ‘timeliness’ doesn’t exist in mass dictionaries. I don’t even know how we grew a mentality that – ‘Being late is cool!”
Let me share two personal experiences.
In 2017, I used to work for a contractual Electric Layout Designing firm. One day a client demanded a floor plan, for which I had to go to an architect for the complete design. Our meeting was scheduled for 11 am.
I went there on time (exactly on 11), and to my utter disgust, 2 hours later, he told me to come again the next day!

I had no idea back then, why was I doing layout designing!
I have another story on the flipside. If you think that only the boss on the floor keeps his subordinates waiting (as the architect was in comparatively higher authority), then you are wrong! Many a time even my students kept me waiting!
I had a clear term for all my students:
‘If I tell you I’ll come at 6.20 pm, it’s 6.20 pm. Neither 6.21, nor 6.19. Keep that in mind.’

Army Veterans are successful businesspersons for their mindset of punctuality and endurance
But I hardly remember even my students maintained perfect timing.
Eventually, I realized, the problem doesn’t refer to a specific group of people, neither has it originated from the sense of dominance.
Rather, it goes deep down the root of social upbringing.
As they say, you are the sum of your environment.
I hardly doubt, is there any family in my society who teaches its children the importance of punctuality? Do the parents tell their kids, ‘It’s about being ‘on’ time, not ‘in’ time?’
Even being five minutes late is not acceptable by any means of professional ethics.
The irony is, nobody likes to be kept waiting, but they forget the tenet while they are in charge. Even it so happens that being late for a meeting is considered completely normal by all parties.

Why would you keep people waiting while you yourself don’t like to be kept so
However, my current social position perhaps doesn’t suit me preaching, ‘Being late is a crime.’ I know, I can’t change the collective mentality of society.
But at least people can sense what’s right & what’s wrong.
That’s why I am trying to clear my stand on being late, incessantly to my peers. They have now realized that dealing with me will require perfect punctuality.
I believe, being on time is the first thing anyone needs to learn from the very beginning of her life. If you keep everything on schedule, you won’t need to explain your transparency. Rather, your established meticulous punctuality will vouch for your authenticity.
In terms of productivity, you will ensure stretching your limit with a well-managed schedule.

Scheduling your job ahead of time and on time will give you a perfect edge over your competitors
Now here comes the misconception of Overwork.
I am tired of listening, ‘Chill man, why so serious? It’s alright to be late sometimes!’
You know what? I am chilling more than you by managing my shits together.
Being on time doesn’t mean that you are always in a hurry. Rather, you will have ample scopes to refresh and do things that you like.

Being late will gradually make you depressed, as you will get fewer things done on your daily bucket list
And yes, counterintuitively, I hear those verbose life-hacks of ‘chilling’ from my friends who are leading a life of mediocrity where they are eventually ending up doing things that they don’t like! 
In our realm of thinking, we are always right. Even I was taught in my childhood that being a little bit late is quite acceptable. I had to put an active effort to change this bad habit.
At the end of the day, it is your decision, how you want to spend your life.


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