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Showing posts from September, 2020

An Industrious Nation Can be Trapped by Poverty

Poor are born rather than made If you ever visit Bangladesh, you’ll find almost everybody in this country is highly industrious. People are working diligently here, day in day out, 24/7. But surprisingly, one out of every five Bangladeshi live in extreme poverty, whereas another two earn minimum wage (around 63 USD per month) in exchange for a usual 10-12 hours workday, 6 days a week!! You can hardly guess the life of a poor… If you are reading this article, I can safely assume  you belong to the privileged class of society . You don’t need to think about your next day’s food or shelter. Even most probably, you are entitled to numerous social and financial benefits like water, electricity, education, pension fund, stock investment, social security, a secured job, or financial source of income – and the list goes on. Another wild guess from my part, I believe, you have hardly ever considered those benefits as something countable; we are used to taking those things for granted. Beyond th

Electric Vehicles & The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

The world view towards technology will auto fulfill the dreams... Imagine you (25) predict today that by the age of 30, you will become a millionaire, and five years down the line, you actually realize your dream! How wonderful would it had been, right? Interestingly, this kinda extraterrestrial coincidence does really happen in our lives, which we refer to as ‘Luck by chance.’ Forget my extreme example, you have predicted many a time something might happen, and that actually happened in real life. Wish to get rich soon!!! This socio-psychological phenomenon is called a self-fulfilling prophecy, which refers to – ‘Predicting something which becomes true just because the person who has predicted it, believes in it!’ Whenever you predict the future, your resulting behavior tends to evolve based on your prediction. Your every action, consciously or subconsciously, supports your claim and reinforces the fulfillment in the first place. Let us first cite a mundane example that you migh

Skepticism, Technology, and Collective Opinion

You can't stop the future with your mere opinion! Elon Musk and his  Neuralink  have recently flamed up an animated debate in the researcher community. What Elon believes about the ‘Brain to computer’ interface, is nothing but a scam to many of us. People who are the extreme devotee of the human brain’s enormous capability and believe that silicon chips have nothing comparable with the intricacy of the human neurons; are complaining about Musk’s vague vision towards the bionic brain. Future humans may hold a peaceful coexistence with robots Understandably, Elon Musk and his team have not demonstrated anything trustworthy so far. I, myself, have been skeptical towards such unorthodox projects, since to me (and practically to most of us) visible progress matters the most. However, I would like to challenge my tenet today. For the people of the 21st century, specifically, those who are around 30 years old or more, we belong to a generation that was born before 1990 (or about a y

Persistence - One More Stone!

Life has been beautiful so far! Life is always hard, why not play it harder and enjoy the sweet outcome of persistence? The 21st century is tough. We have been going through an era of fierce competition everywhere. Especially for a 90s kid like me, 2020-2030 will be the decisive factor of my career. Everywhere I compete, I must ensure my best to give in. In the job market, in my family, in my love life – there is no way back from giving my 100%. But I always feel, I have been competing in the wrong group for the last 27 years of my life. Endurance is a habit, which has to be grown with successive persistence I have been competing in academia, where smarter students are always there to outperform me. And even if I go at par, the reward doesn’t entice me at all. So why did I decided to pursue my career in academia? Because I was afraid of  being missed out!  I  couldn’t stand  all my friends who are going abroad, pursuing higher education, and I am doing a 9-5 job. It took me 27 year