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Showing posts from October, 2020

Concentrate on the same thing for a long time

Focus, focus, focus... I remember a childhood story from my fourth-grade religion study book. A boy named Bopedev was very adamant and indifferent to studies. His parents couldn’t tame the unruly boy anyway. They sent Bopedev to a saint to teach him some lessons. Unfortunately, the saint couldn’t educate Bopedev as well. At one point, Bopedev got disappointed in himself. He could hardly concentrate on his studies. One day, Bopedev was roaming around in a village. Suddenly, he came across a pond stair and saw a deep hole in that. He was a little bit surprised, as the stair was made of stones. It was quite unlikely that only a specific spot got eroded, and the rest were still alright as new! After a while, a lady came to the pond with a pitcher. She put the pitcher on the stair-hole and started to bathe there. When she was done, Bopedev asked her, ‘Good lady, I am wondering why this stone-stair has got a specific hole underneath your pitcher’s bottom? The hole seems to fit your pitcher

Can ‘Reading like Bill Gates’ make you the next Bill Gates??

Reading a book will open a door of opportunity in front of you... Here is a list of five sets containing five books in each set. Those books have been suggested by five different successful persons in the world: Elon Musk 1. The Lord of the Rings 2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy 3. Structures 4. Super Intelligence 5. Screw Business As Usual Bill Gates 1. The Choice 2. Cloud Atlas 3. The Ride of a Lifetime 4. The Great Influenza 5. Good Economics for Hard Times Warren Buffet 1. The Intelligent Investor 2. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street 3. The Outsiders 4. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits 5. Where Are the Customers’ Yachts? Mark Zuckerberg 1. The Muqaddimah 2. Sapiens 3. The Better Angels of Our Nature 4. On Immunity 5. The End of Power Dr. Mohammad Yousuf 1. Creating a World

Caring Nature…

Future generation won't fail us Every day I walk along the alleys of my hometown, I wonder how this city will look like five years down the line. What about ten, fifteen, or twenty? Will this city keep burning fossil fuel for that long? Or shall we switch to renewable energies to ensure a more efficient ecological infrastructure? I ponder, but the mindset of my countrymen upsets me. It seems like nobody cares an iota about global warming. I hardly find anybody mulling over environmental change. An ignorant nation will be taken into nature’s custody when a deadly blow like submerging coastal areas will bring the people into reality. Till then, who cares? However, I do. Perhaps, several others do, but we constitute a tiny proportion of the total population. Despite the adversity, it’s wiser to coagulate our sparse community and leave no stone unturned to stop environmental pollution. We are losing our biodiversity There are numerous ways in which the world is getting polluted. So