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Showing posts from November, 2020

I’m Having a Marshmallow Test

Winter is coming, mate! In psychology, a popular mental resilience test is conducted among kids under the age of 10. They are given a marshmallow candy and get an instruction: Can you check your sugar teeth? Photo by Brigitte Tohm on ‘You are free to eat this candy right now. But if you can refrain from eating for the next ten minutes, you can have another candy as a reward.’ The reward for checking your instant gratification. As you might wonder, ‘well, this is a pretty easy test, everybody should go for option 2. Waiting for 10 minutes is not a big deal at all if I can double it. First of all, for a kid that 10 minutes of reticence is a significant battle between desire and self-control. We, the adults, have our own version of marshmallows in our daily lives. From the stock market to career choice, different options and timeframes entice us with several appeals. Will you start running after the prey right now, or take your time to prepare? Photo by Pixabay on  Pexel

Is it too late to start?

All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you... This article is dedicated to my girlfriend, I think both of us need to read this... Last night I was reading about all the successful entrepreneurs in the Silicon Valley and their ages:  when they started their business. It was quite depressing that most of those geniuses started their entrepreneurial hustle in their early twenties. Those data are dejecting, especially for new entrepreneurs. Initially, I thought I am too old to start a new business. I started searching for expert opinions in the internet writing: ‘Am I too late to be an entrepreneur?’ Most of the suggestions you’ll find online have a common genre like: ‘Age is just a number; you are never too late to start. If you follow your heart, destiny will follow you back.’ It takes time to build something from the scratch, Photo by Rodolfo Quirós on However, I always hate trite. Motivational speeches work when we tend to relate those with our perso