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Carried Away

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on

I heard this first from Asif: Carried Away – to arouse to a high and often excessive degree of emotion or enthusiasm.

Last day, 4 February, I had an informal meeting with my business mentor Prof. AYM Abdullah. The great man he is, I’ve seldom seen a personality quite contradictory like him. By nature, sometimes he seems so soft and poetic, the father in him arouses when I and Asif seek business advice from him. At the same time, he seems ruthless and stern while guiding us towards practicality.

I shall discuss him another day, long discussion indeed. Last night after having the meeting, I was quite out of conscience. Could barely feel anything happening around me.

Perhaps a perfect example of being carried away.

The synopsis of the meeting was, we two are still inexperienced and immature. We are yet to see the practical episodes of life: which is quite true. Being said all this, he agreed to finance us to our new venture.

I was happy and sad at the same time. We are still unsure how long we can get with an uncertain investment promise. We are not seeing anything being done yet, and still, moving forward to, looking forward to.

I commute every day with a bicycle, 12 Km road from my home to my workplace. The place where I live, Dhaka city, doesn’t have any separate cycle lanes for the riders. We have to use main roads with other buses, trucks, private cars and all sorts of vehicles to commute every day. This means you must keep all your attention on the road while riding.

Otherwise, you are literally doomed.

Like me yesterday. I had stuck several cars and CNGs on road. One man from the driving seat shouted:

এই যে ভাই, এতবার হর্ন দিচ্ছি শুনতে পান না?

-সরি ভাই

-সরি মানে? এখন যদি আপনার উপর গাড়ি তুলে দিতাম তখন তো বলতেন বড়লোকের পোলাপান গাড়ি চালাইতে পারে না

- আপনি বড়লোকের ছেলে, জানতাম না ভাই

-মানে, কি বলতে চান আপনি?

-ভাই ঝামেলা করতে চাইলে গাড়ি থেকে নামেন, আসেন ঝামেলা করি।

I don’t know how I got so calm at that moment. Usually, I react violently while someone confronts me outright. Perhaps I am learning to admit my mistakes and move on. The man had a girl beside the driving seat who was trying to convince him to stop it. Eventually, they drove forward.

And 6-7 Km ahead I bumped on another CNG when a pedestrian called me ভোগচোদ, which I admitted and rode silently (yes, I was solely responsible).

The good thing is, I have admitted and accepted my faults and moved on.

The bad thing is, I could not leave my office thoughts, I was carried away. My amygdala overtook the frontal lobe, and that’s alarming for an entrepreneur.

I envy people like Asif, who never lose their cools. How do they manage to be so? I wonder. I must train my mind to not get carried away.

Ps. I asked Asif yesterday, ‘Are we the only entrepreneurs in the world who can’t get happy even after getting investment?’

‘This is how it should be, don’t be happy or sad, be stoic’ he replied.


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