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Caring Nature…

Future generation won't fail us
Every day I walk along the alleys of my hometown, I wonder how this city will look like five years down the line. What about ten, fifteen, or twenty? Will this city keep burning fossil fuel for that long? Or shall we switch to renewable energies to ensure a more efficient ecological infrastructure?

I ponder, but the mindset of my countrymen upsets me. It seems like nobody cares an iota about global warming. I hardly find anybody mulling over environmental change. An ignorant nation will be taken into nature’s custody when a deadly blow like submerging coastal areas will bring the people into reality. Till then, who cares?

However, I do. Perhaps, several others do, but we constitute a tiny proportion of the total population. Despite the adversity, it’s wiser to coagulate our sparse community and leave no stone unturned to stop environmental pollution.

We are losing our biodiversity
There are numerous ways in which the world is getting polluted. Some of those are really beyond our authority. For example, we can’t really stop infrastructural development like real estate or roads & highways; although those activities contribute to toxic emissions. Instead, we can choose efficient ways to limit those emissions. For the 21st century, we really do have a choice to save our nature from drastic contamination. We have a choice to make to save our world, and that’s how we harness energy from nature.

As we know, the sun is the only source of energy in the world. Any form of energy you experience in this world, from fossil fuel to wind power, the sun is regulating each and every energy source from scratch. The oil trapped inside the earth’s crust for millions of years also stored the burning energy from the sun. The form of energy is either active or passive. More precisely, you can count solar electricity as a form of active energy, whereas the petrol that’s fueling your car is an example of a passive energy source: with respect to the sun.

When you burn passive forms of energy like oil or natural gases, you emit a significant amount of heat and waste in the process. More importantly, the world is already running out of fossil fuels. If we keep burning fossil fuels at the current pace, by 2060, the world's storage of fossil fuels will deplete. Although global leaders are trying to repress fossil fuel usage, in reality, the usage is on the march. Moreover, we are heading towards the upper floor of temperature increase from where a 2-degree temperature rise can lead us to catastrophic global warming. Unfortunately, if we just burn 30% of our stored fossil fuels in the process, we will reach that 2-degree level within a decade.

You see, you don’t need to wait for 2060 to watch your country inundated under the sea!

Technically, we all have a decade to save our world.

Destroying natural habitats…
However, we don’t have much choice but to rely on science at this point. Currently, renewable energies are costly. Third-world countries don’t have many choices regarding energy sources. For a country like Bangladesh, we can’t entirely support 200 million people with solar, wind, or nuclear energy. To put it straight, we don’t have the money. We can only pray that the technology of renewable energy becomes affordable down the line.  

Right now, we can play significant roles to limit environmental pollution. From our parts, we can leave plastic usage, adopt cycling for our daily mode of transportations, or replace thermal vehicles with electric vehicles. No policy is enough to restore our nature if we are not conscious from individual levels. Don’t think that saving one glass of drinking water can’t contribute to saving the world. In fact, it can. If a generation of 200 million people grows this savings mindset, at the end of the day, you are saving billions of gallons of drinking water from being spoiled.

I get frustrated, disheartened, debilitated, when I see people are throwing their plastic wastes into the sea. But at the same time, I feel energetic while a young boy throws his chewing gum into the bin. I don’t worry about the adults, I worry about the kids who are under 10 years old now, who are not even born yet. Because by 2060, they will rule the world. And I have immense faith in them. I believe, they won’t replicate the wrongdoings of their forefathers by failing nature again.

Our children won’t fail us
I really trust the future generation!  


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