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NDC: My Alma Mater

2010 World Cup Final, July 11. Our class at Notre Dame College (NDC) had just started 10 days back. That night I was watching Spain vs. Nedarland's final with my dad. 

Match went in the tiebreaker after both teams finished 90 minutes without scoring. As far as I remember, just a few minutes before Andres Iniesta scored for Spain, I accidentally threw a glass jar full of tomato catchup on the floor out of excitement, and tried to collect those broken pieces from the floor.

In no time, I had a quick deep cut beneath my left foot from broken glass.

And I missed an entire week from going to college. That's the only time in my entire life when I regretted not going to an academic institution (I was happy to bunk my school/ university).

Why do Notredamians always put their college first before other institutions? I had the privilege to be a student of the best (at least so-called, you may differ) academic institutions in Bangladesh. What is so special about NDC?

In a word - Discipline.

I am never a fan of rules, neither do I want to be regulated. But the beauty of Notre Dame is, she subtly regulates students without being too much pushy.

Plenty of other institutes are out there where the administration is so rigid that even a trivial violation of uniformity may lead to even severe physical punishment (was so common in Bangladesh 12-20 years ago). 

On contrary in Notre Dame College, even if you bunk a class and play on the playground, nobody will tell you not to do so (I did this so many times).

But if your attendance is below 70%, you have to cut grass.

If your sent-up score is below 40%, you can not sit for the test exam (no means no).

You are rewarded for being disciplined, being a good student, being a good citizen of a sovereign institute - NDC just works as a European State. You are free to do anything, but you won't do 'anything' for the regulated system. Rather, a conscious student will bring out his best due to the lucid guidelines - you can clearly see what will be the reward if you follow NDC's rules.

A robust system is what sets NDC apart from other institutions.

We talked about BUET DMC DU GEB before the first quiz. We talked about MIT Harvard Oxford while playing on the ground. Everywhere there was healthy competition. We competed with the best, always tried to be the better version of ourselves.

Notre Dame College no doubts inseminate proper morality in her students. Being an institute operated by orthodox Christians, I bet no student can ever claim NDC tried to motivate them with a single word from Christianity, let alone preaching the religion at all. Instead, our teachers always encouraged us to follow our respective religious values and focus more on Humanity.

If you ask me to vote for the best institute in Bangladesh (not only academic, as an administrative entity as well), I'll certainly go for NDC, and I pray my view remains the same 100 years later.

Today I have visited NDC exactly after 3 years, couldn't resist from taking some snaps.

The famous 'diligite lumen sapientiae'

Asif was in Group 2 of NDC, we used to know each other as 'Cricket Mates'

In front of 'Math Lab,' Accounts section in the left

New academic building, named after Father Pishato, we didn't even see its construction going on (Batch of HSC 2012) 

New Canteen, the food quality should be improved

The famous NDC Garden, a lift is also commissioned recently

Poor students, we didn't have any uniform (they are missing the real flavor of NDC's liberty, I might be wrong though...)


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