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Showing posts from December, 2021

Slow Down a Little Bit

Think, rethink, and don't think you are always right 1. I've been diagnosed with Mild Fatty Liver (November 2021). I was searching for the reason for a month, why me? A guy waking up early in the morning, doing exercise, and not having any bad food, tobacco, or alcoholic habits, neither having a sedentary lifestyle - has been diagnosed with acute liver disease. Then I realized, actually, I have been fooling myself for my entire life. My exercise doesn't quite hit the optimum level. I don't wake up early regularly, and even sometimes go to sleep late and don't have enough sleep hours. I sometimes eat fast food, which is quite fine. But I have not done anything to boost my metabolic power. I have been complacent to fool myself that I have a healthy lifestyle. Which actually I don't have. I am the kind of guy who needs a regular gym subscription to stay motivated. I wish I could be self-motivated like my dad! 2. I had written a blog post earlier saying - I have not