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Showing posts from December, 2022

Lowest Point, Has It Come Yet?

I have been feeling extremely low for the last few days. Recently, we have shifted to a new home. I had to incur most of the costs. New furniture. Home shifting costs. Renovation and decoration are yet to be done. And literally, I am clueless about how shall I bear that expense. The cherry on top of the cake: I am getting married by the end of January. And I don't even know how shall I manage the expenses. The only thing I know right now, I have to increase my income. I have many uncompleted projects and business plans. This time, I need to focus. TRULY FOCUS, like a hawk. If I am still alive 10-20 years later, I will remember, this was probably the lowest point in my life to date. This is how you feel when you don't have money, and don't have clue how to make money. Really disappointing.